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Messages postés par OceansDream
Nombre de messages référencés sur Oniromancie (non supprimés): 13

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Posté dans Forum - Voting for an english legal RM2k3

OceansDream - posté le 26/04/2012 à 11:10:51. (13 messages postés)

Yeah the patches are not going to be quite legal as that's still modifying the program. Hopefully they'll at least fix the agility issue in the DBS and make it more compatible with newer computers. Otherwise, I'd just be happy to have a legal RM2k3 version around.

Posté dans Forum - Voting for an english legal RM2k3

OceansDream - posté le 26/04/2012 à 11:01:18. (13 messages postés)

Would you buy RM2k3 if it were released in english legally?

They are doing an interest check to see if people are interested in buying RM2k3. They had RM2k3 legal in japan only but never made a translation. So even though this is a french community, I figured there may still be interest for it! Let them know what you think.

I personally really like RM2k3 so I definitely voted yes on this!

Posté dans Forum - Chain of Retribution

OceansDream - posté le 18/04/2012 à 04:00:06. (13 messages postés)

Haha thanks! And you are probably the first person to use those tactics like that. Some others were saying the game was hard. Good to know someone at least used that shield spell!

I'm responsible for a lot of the mapping actually, they left me to do it mostly. In fact I think I had at the very least editted every single map, if not completely redesigned it. The crossroads section was the one least touched by me. If you come across some mapping tips for me or suggestions I'm all ears.

Also the bugs are good to know, we'll have some fixing to do then. Most of the team wants to wait until people finish playing the game to go bug fixing so that they can get rid of any bugs in the late game too. Glad you're enjoying this though! :D

Posté dans Forum - Chain of Retribution

OceansDream - posté le 15/04/2012 à 22:13:18. (13 messages postés)

Yeah, a lot of people are moving over to RMVX Ace now. I still like RM2k3! Thanks for the comment and hope you get around to trying it.

Only if you want to! I think it'd be a pretty big project to translate (I'd say the game is about 5-7 hours long) with a fair amount of dialogue. But if you really end up enjoying it then that'd be great.


I can't respond in french because I am bad at writing it but I can sort of understand what's being written!

Posté dans Forum - Chain of Retribution

OceansDream - posté le 14/04/2012 à 23:58:45. (13 messages postés)

Chain of Retribution

Platform- RM2k3
Language: English only, sorry I don't have a translator!

A chain game, sent from person to person, each putting in their part of the epic story in their own style.

When two mercenaries accepted an escort job--thought to be a swift and easy-- they found themselves involved into a global conspiracy that would shake the very core of the earth.

A mercenary for hire who was asked to escort Rise to the capital city. He's a bit naive but has a good heart.

Siegmunds brother. He works together with Siegmund. He's the more serious of the 2 and more organized.

A magician girl, she needs to get to the capital city. She goes and hires some help because she knows the trip isn't going to be so easy...

A warrior who is spoke of in legends. People know little about who he actually is. Domitian arrives to the capital city because of a letter.

A strong and calm warrior, she travels with Domitian for the same reason. While benevolent, she also has little tolerance for stupidity.

Screen Shots






*New twist on the battle system: Each character is divided into 3 categories. Striker, Balance or Passive. Striker types regain MP in battle by attacking only. They'll gain 20 MP this way, and are usually more for saving up for a big attack.
Balance types regain 10 MP regardless of what command is used. Their skills tend to cost less but are not usually focused on having a big final attack to use.
Passive types regain 30 MP when you defend. They also start with the most MP in a battle and are Mage-types.

*Encounter Gauge which fills up as you fight encounters (which are seen on the map). Once filled, you can open up a special chest in the area.

*Party changing system

Download here

It is a chaingame between:


Posté dans Forum - [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

OceansDream - posté le 17/01/2011 à 20:28:20. (13 messages postés)

I'd be interested to see how the translation comes out! :3

Posté dans Forum - [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

OceansDream - posté le 09/01/2011 à 06:27:33. (13 messages postés)

I'm glad you're all liking this! :D

I couldn't quite translate that last comment though :O

Posté dans Forum - [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

OceansDream - posté le 14/12/2010 à 06:29:48. (13 messages postés)

Ah, glad you liked it! What was wrong with the worldmap though?

Posté dans Forum - [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

OceansDream - posté le 10/12/2010 à 04:12:54. (13 messages postés)

Yeah, it's a good edit! I tried it out myself:
I sort of feel like remaking the entire graphics for that now, but this game is done and I need focus on my next games (otherwise I'd go happy adding sidequests, more character development, a better ending and all). But yeah, I'll definitely keep it in mind. The contrast on the floors was a bit too much before.

I like the nice little changes you did as well, they work well! Thank you, it can give me good tips for what to do/avoid as well.

Your english is fine, I understood it all!

Posté dans Forum - [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

OceansDream - posté le 09/12/2010 à 19:19:57. (13 messages postés)

*Hmm... I'll take note of that then. I want to make an interesting window skin but if it takes too much attention away from the words then that's not good. I had it at Blue and white before but I thought that looked too ordinary.

*The tree is present in every battle screen. It's just like a frame design! :D

*Oh that town screen is an earlier one. I didn't really want to take a new screenshot. But yeah the battle backgrounds are more complex in general! Here, the updated town:

Posté dans Forum - [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

OceansDream - posté le 09/12/2010 à 18:31:21. (13 messages postés)

Aha, those cliff sides. Yeah they feel a bit flat and blocky to me, I've tried to remedy that. Some games have had interesting looking cliffs so I might even study those a bit more!

Posté dans Forum - [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

OceansDream - posté le 09/12/2010 à 16:43:38. (13 messages postés)

Thanks for the comments, I'm glad people are liking it! Yeah, it did manage to win a Misao for best graphics/artwork in 2009. I didn't expect an old school looking game to do that, I was surprised.

My blog is over here:
I have a pixel tutorial one too, but I don't update that anymore because of lack of free time.

My current project now is Azulea, which is being made in RMVX. You can see a screenshot of that right in the first post of the blog.

Oh, and if anyone has any issues or things about Paradise Blue that I should avoid or think about for a next game, let me know!

Posté dans Forum - [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

OceansDream - posté le 09/12/2010 à 05:04:53. (13 messages postés)

In the old Island of Azulea, the natives were pushed away from the land they once held. The ones who conquered the land have settled and created a new civilization on the Island. Now that the King is near death, there are 2 groups that are fighting for the throne. Your group is ready to take over the Island, and hires some help to do so!

*15 job classes including Black Mage, Summoner, Dark Knight and more
*40 quests, including sidequests
*Tough optional bosses to fight
*Customize your characters including gender, class and abilities
*NPCs to hire that can help you in battle

Language: English
Genre: Old school quest based RPG
Length: 2 - 4 hours
Download/Télécharger -


And forgive me, I don't really speak French but I'll try my best to figure out anything said in French! I'm visiting because I saw some interesting screenshots from this community posted on RMN so I figured I'd look around a bit too!

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