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Messages postés par Blashyrkh Nombre de messages référencés sur Oniromancie (non supprimés): 10 Aller à la page: 1
Posté dans Forum - [2003] Heteria ~where Dreams are Born~ |
Blashyrkh -
posté le 11/08/2016 à 00:59:52. (11 messages postés) |

| Thank you, all of you! Really.
The one with 640x480 resolution size regards an entire panorama, the entire in-game map of that location. The playable screen size is still 320x240.
Yes i really like incipit in medias res. The story starts when little Maya open her eyes on bed in a sunny morning. Even in the intro the player will know almost nothing of the plot. All is discovered bit by bit.
Honestly i haven't timed yet the longevity of the alpha demo, not being ready yet. But i suppose half an hour more or less.
Oh, mistakes? Should you show me an example? Long time has passed since i was speaking english regularly and fluently Sorry.
Posté dans Forum - Hello! |
Blashyrkh -
posté le 07/08/2016 à 04:04:16. (11 messages postés) |

| Lol ahahah 
Posté dans Forum - Hello! |
Blashyrkh -
posté le 07/08/2016 à 03:40:56. (11 messages postés) |

| Can we translate that phrase in english? (?)
Posté dans Forum - Hello! |
Blashyrkh -
posté le 06/08/2016 à 23:13:10. (11 messages postés) |

| all right
Posté dans Forum - Hello! |
Blashyrkh -
posté le 06/08/2016 à 23:07:01. (11 messages postés) |

| Uhm...the anti-spam starts when i try to post in New projects, but in Advanced project the forum says "Vous n'avez pas le droit de poster de nouveaux sujets dans ce forum"
Posté dans Forum - Hello! |
Blashyrkh -
posté le 06/08/2016 à 22:59:51. (11 messages postés) |

| Ahahah thanks a lot
One question: why i can't post a new topic in the advanced project's section? Only a mod can move the topic in there?
Posté dans Forum - Hello! |
Blashyrkh -
posté le 06/08/2016 à 07:46:28. (11 messages postés) |

| Hello you all, i'm an italian user 26 years old!
Some years ago i presented myself here, i'm sure of it, but i can't find the topic (maybe it was autodeleted for time reason) so this is my re-introduction in Oniromancie
I've an advanced project for RpgMaker2k3 (started in 2013) that I'll show you in the appropriate section.
I discovered rpgmaker many and many years ago, ancient 2001 , but this is my truly serious game since that time. Previously only experiments in order to learn.

Posté dans Forum - [RM2k3] Ach'Tegeach (Démo 1.2) |
Blashyrkh -
posté le 25/03/2013 à 15:26:08. (11 messages postés) |

| I really appreciated all the graphics, it is extremely consistent with all the elements.
The charas work really good with che chipsets.
The menu results clear and simply, no invasive.
Well done.
Posté dans Forum - MegaMike [RM2003] Jeu complet (en route pour les alex) |
Blashyrkh -
posté le 22/03/2013 à 10:44:01. (11 messages postés) |

| I really appreciate this original concept, at least for an rpgmaker game.
But in my modest opinion your pixel art is a bit poor. Maybe you've chosen to draw in this retro style but if you add some more shades the result will be better.
Anyway, good luck for these project.
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