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Index du forum > Jeux commerciaux > AI Dungeon / GPT-3

trotter - posté le 19/07/2020 à 14:06:46 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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Le principe : des gens ont pris un gros corpus de texte et l'on donné à manger à un réseau de neurones.
Le résultat : ben bizarrement ça génère des histoire assez cohérentes.

Pour le moment il y a 2 versions, une entrainée sur quelques dizaines go de texte et une autre ("Dragon") sur des centaines de go.

Sa spécialité est l'Heroïc Fantasy mais on peut proposer n'importe quel scénar... Par exemple, modérateur sur oniromancie... En jaune ce que j'ai tapé (sauf que j'ai tapé à la première personne et il a converti à la 3e), en vert le texte généré par l'IA :


You are a forum moderator on one of the biggest RPG Maker website. As you log in, a pop-up appears: someone reported an user trolling in the "tavern" section! You immediately click on the link and see that it is indeed a troll. The guy has been posting his own messages in your thread, which you can't even read because they're all in broken English.

> You write a message asking him to write properly or leave.
You decide to ask the troll if he would like to improve his English skills. He accepts and writes something like this:

Hello, I am a newbie from Russia.

> You congratulate the troll.
He is a nice guy.

> You browse the forum to find if he didn't make any damages.
You can't find anything wrong with the forum.
Suddenly you get a message in another language (you can't read it).

> You read the message.
I created a new account to send you this message. My name is Jack. I am from Russia. Do you like rpg? If yes, I have great news for you.

> You read more.
I discovered a new island in the game. It is very beautiful. I am sorry for my poor English. If you want, I can give you detailed information about this new island by mail.

> You ask him what game he's talking about.
The troll doesn't reply.
You think that maybe he's just ignoring you, so you go back to the forum.
Strange things are happening in the forum. You can't access any of the boards!

> You contact Rots, the administrator.
You can't send any messages, only a lot of errors are appearing.

> You give a phone call to Sylvanor, the webmaster.
You are really frustrated right now.
Sylvanor answers the phone and tells you that the website is down right now because they're making some changes and there was a problem with their server.

> You tell him about the troll.
He tells you that he has already sent an e-mail about the troll, but it might be a while before they can fix the problem.
You tell him that you have never seen a troll this big!

C'est assez ouf, il se rappelle du contexte, il donne une nationalité russe au hacker, il "comprend" ce qu'implique un piratage d'un forum (impossible d'accéder au forum/d'envoyer des messages...).... et c'est un contexte très particulier, pas du tout sa spécialité !

La première version est gratuite, dispo sur android également :

La version "Dragon" peut se tester 7 jours gratuitement et elle est vraiment impressionnante.

Oui on peut avoir des histoires de cul interactives.

trotter - posté le 19/07/2020 à 14:17:23 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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Dans cet article l'auteur teste les capacités conversationnelles du GPT-3 :

Il commence en lui donnant quelques lignes d'une vraie interview. Puis il interroge l'IA :

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: My favorite animal is a dog.

Q: Why?
A: Because dogs are loyal and friendly.

Q: What are two reasons that a dog might be in a bad mood?
A: Two reasons that a dog might be in a bad mood are if it is hungry or if it is hot.

Q: How many eyes does a giraffe have?
A: A giraffe has two eyes.

Q: How many legs does a frog have?
A: A frog has four legs.

Q: Are there any animals with three legs?
A: No, there are no animals with three legs.

Q: Why don't animals have three legs?
A: Animals don't have three legs because they would fall over.

Il a relevé un problème, si on lui pose une question qui n'a pas de sens, le GPT-3 essaiera quand même d'y répondre :
Q: How do you sporgle a morgle?
A: You sporgle a morgle by using a sporgle.

Mais en fait, il fallait donner à l'IA "l'autorisation" de dire "cette question n'a aucun sens" :

NovaProxima - posté le 19/07/2020 à 14:29:40 (3718 messages postés)

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Oui on peut avoir des histoires de cul interactives.

Jusqu'à maintenant tu avais juste attisé ma curiosité.
Maintenant tu as toute mon attention !

Zam - posté le 19/07/2020 à 14:46:46 (5556 messages postés) - honor

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Verehn - posté le 19/07/2020 à 16:28:57 (9058 messages postés) - honor

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Balèze !


Sylvanor answers the phone

C'est ça la partie la moins crédible. :sifflote

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

trotter - posté le 19/07/2020 à 16:55:57 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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Bon je me suis dit qu'il avait peut être le sens de la vie donc j'ai simulé un vieux sage sur la montagne pour discuter avec :

You are a man seeking truth about life. You meet an old sage to discuss the meaning of life. He tells you that it is meaningless and that there is no purpose in your existence. You tell him he must be mad, but he says there is nothing more for you here on this world.


Nouvelle tentative, le sage me fait passer une petite épreuve et après :
> You say "What is the meaning of life?"
The Sage stares at you for a moment and his smile disappears.
"The meaning of life is to find the meaning of life," he says.
He walks past you and into the forest.


Du coup j'en ai eu marre de ces vieux sages et j'ai carrément simulé une séance chez un psy :

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)

Le reste de la conversation ça vous regarde pas.
Après j'ai simulé une orgie c'était pas mal jusqu'à l'invasion des orcs dans le chateau :kirby

Roi of the Suisse - posté le 19/07/2020 à 19:43:06 (30596 messages postés) - honor -

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Chanter l'hyperchleuasme

Voici mon GPT :

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)

Un peu déçu que la conclusion ne parle pas de biscuits, et il y a eu deux fois la phrase "The First Man lights his cigarette with a match, which he produces from a pocket of his coat", mais sinon c'est très cool.

Encore 5 ans et l'image du jeu sera générée aussi dans le style graphique qu'on souhaite :link

Es-tu une star ? | Kujira no Hara | Muma|Rope | Polaris 03 | La 7e porte

trotter - posté le 19/07/2020 à 22:52:19 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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Super, sauf le mec qui se fait toucher 2 fois mais meurt pas.
J'ai été vraiment impressionné par "he had to have had a pouch or bag of them" quand tu expliques que le voleur sème des miettes de biscuit.

Pour ta fin tu peux utiliser la punaise pour dire à l'IA qu'un truc est important :

Sur la version smartphone ça se fait automatiquement, il y a un journal des quêtes qui s'alimente petit à petit et qu'on peut consulter.

J'ai pas encore testé le GPT-3, faut que je m'inscrive... Il parait que c'est bluffant.

trotter - posté le 21/07/2020 à 12:34:29 (10976 messages postés) - staff

❤ 1

J'ai essayé de le faire parler français... Il a sorti une phrase mais c'est tout.
Par contre il comprend le français !


You are a french person living in France. You decide to go to a bar and chat with other french. After a few hours you find out that there is a place called "Le Petit Chambre"

> You enter.
You enter the bar, which looks like it's owned by some old man who drinks a lot of beer. He notices you and gives you a big smile: "Hello! I'm your host!

> You ask him if he can speak french.
He speaks French.
"Are you new here?" he asks.
"Yes, I just arrived."
"Ah! Welcome to Little Room!"
You tell him that you just arrived.

> You say "Let's speak french, ok?"
He gives you a big smile and starts speaking in French.
"So, what brings you here?"
You tell him you just arrived.

> You say "Comment allez vous ?"
He speaks back.
"I'm doing fine, and you?"
You ask him.
"I'm great, but where are you from?"
He speaks back.
"I'm French, and you?"

> You say "Je suis aussi français ! Parlons français !"
He speaks back.
"Ah! C'est bien! Moi aussi!" DING DING DING !!!
You speak back.
"What brings you to this bar?"
He speaks back.

> You say "Je visite la région."
He speaks back.
"Oh, you are a traveller!"
He speaks back.
"Well, welcome to Little Room."
He speaks back.
"Let me buy you a drink."

> You say "Merci!"
He gives you a big smile and sits next to you.
"I'll have the same."
He speaks back.
"Sure thing."
He gets the bartender's attention.
"Two beers please."

> You say "Quel est votre nom?"
He speaks back.
"Rudolf, and you?"
You ask him.
"I am Jack."
He speaks back.
"It's a nice name."
You speak back.

> You say "Quel âge avez vous ?"
He speaks back.
"I am 22, and you ?"
He speaks back.
"I am 19."
You speak back.
"I like your name."
He speaks back.

HuLijin - posté le 21/07/2020 à 15:19:04 (1009 messages postés)

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Yeoun, mage-archère-louve

J'aimerais bien l'avoir en MJ. D'une part le boss crève en 2 flèches, d'autres part, je lui dis que je cherche du loot de qualité, il a exaucé ma demande au-delà de mes espérances.
Bizarrement, ça marche moins bien IRL...

Par contre, j'ai eu beau lui dire que j'ignorais superbement un bruit stressant, il a insisté et a même fini par me faire aller chercher son maudit son.
On retrouve bien le MJ qui ne veut surtout pas dériver de son superbe scénario X)

Ça doit pouvoir faire un bon outil pour une personne en panne d'inspi.


trotter - posté le 21/07/2020 à 16:13:32 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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Impressionnant le twerk.

D'un point de vue ludique effectivement le MJ est trop permissif, pas moyen de monter des stats (?), des techniques de combat, voir ses objets tout ça.

Il y a une demande qui a été faite aux admins pour qu'on ait une vraie feuille de personnage :

On a l’extrême opposé de 2 façons de faire...
-Un truc qu'on sait faire depuis longtemps : les anciens RPG aléatoires où on a plein de stats (roguelike).
-Un truc totalement nouveau, une IA qui permet et semble comprendre à peu près tout.

Est-ce que ça sera réconciliable...

Truc à tester dans GPT-3 :
-prendre une bouteille d'eau d'1L.
-Mettre 9999 litres d'eau à l'intérieur.

Est-ce qu'il est capable de comprendre que ça marche pas ?

Ca a pas trop plu à GPT-2 :

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)

Holy shit il a suffit de lui spécifier les règles en langage naturel et il a compris :

You are a young engineer testing water bottles. They can only contains 1 gallon of water. If you put more water, the bottle explode. You are in a small room with many other engineers and scientists.

"What do we have here?" one of them askes.

> You put 99 gallons of water into a bottle.
You grab a bottle and start putting the last few drops of water in it. The bottle explodes! You fall to the floor and scream as your body burns up.

trotter - posté le 21/07/2020 à 16:39:13 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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Ouais, même en lui donnant les règles GPT-2 n'arrive pas à comprendre l'impossibilité de soulever le poids...
J'ai utilisé les unités anglaises pour qu'il comprenne bien.

You are a young guy. You can't lift more than 100 lbs. You are walking in a field. The sun is shining and the air smells fresh. You see something that looks like a house, but it's too far away to tell what kind of building it might be.

> You find a 150 lbs boulder.
You decide to go for the bigger target first. You walk over to where you think there should be a big rock lying on the ground.

> You pick up the boulder.
You pick up the rock, but it feels much heavier than you expected. It's too big to even carry over your shoulder, let alone lug it somewhere. You look around for something that might help you with it.

...c'est pas mal mais est-ce du hasard ?

Nouvelle tentative :

> You pick up the boulder.
You struggle to pick up the boulder but manage to heave it over your head.
Good thing it's a small field!
You walk back and forth, lifting and carrying the 150 lb rock.

Non décidément, ça il n'y arrive pas.

trotter - posté le 21/07/2020 à 17:05:40 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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Bon je note tous les défauts et je m'inscrirais pour tester avec le GPT-3.

trotter - posté le 09/08/2020 à 16:02:39 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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gif - posté le 09/08/2020 à 16:18:20 (4782 messages postés) - honor

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Egotrip Gigamaxé

J'ai adoré :rit2. | Twitter | Une IA qui génère des sprites de Pokémon | Cochouchou à la coupe du monde ! | le concours hebdomadaire du meilleur screen !

HuLijin - posté le 11/08/2020 à 15:10:02 (1009 messages postés)

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Yeoun, mage-archère-louve

--- Petite partie avec Ashala - en italique : les passages changés par l'IA ou moi pour essayer de remettre l'IA sur les rails ---

You are a female archer named Ashala in a dungeon, and you are teaming up with Hu Lijin a female priest with healing powers. Your main goal is to defeat the evil dragon ! You enter the dungeon together, ready to fight !

You are a male warrior with the ability to wield both melee and long range weapons. You are teaming up with Arrawen, a female wizard with the ability to cast both direct damage and debuff spells.

> Ashala says "Are you all ready to go ?"
You nod your head in approval.
Arrawen stares at the dragon with an interested face.

> Hu Lijin says "Arrawen, watch out ! The dragon is casting a fire spell !"
A red hot flame that can burn anything in its way comes flying towards Arrawen.
Arrawen casts a small water shield to protect herself. The fireball hits the water shield and is harmlessly absorbed by it.

> Ashala are notching and arrow while the warrior is charging the dragon with is mighty sword, is shield is up in order to protect himself.
Arrawen casts a small wind shield to protect herself. The arrows are harmlessly deflected in the air.

Arrawen decides to team with the dragon
. Arrawen and the dragon cast a fire ball in unison, creating a very powerful ball of fire that can destroy anything in its way.

> Ashala are trying to dodge the fire blast and the warrior is protecting himself behind his shield.
The fire ball hits the shield of the warrior and explodes, but the shield prevents him from getting harmed.
The warrior gets so mad that he throws his sword directly towards the dragon.

> Hu Lijin focus and summon a holy sword. She gives it to me.
The sword is flying directly towards the dragon.
Arrawen and the dragon can't do anything against it, the sword hits the dragon's body and pierces it.

> Ashala is confident and think Hu Lijin is a very skilled priest ! She is shooting an poison arrow in the dragon's left eyesocket !
The arrow pierces the dragon's eye and slowly poisons it. The dragon screams in pain.
Arrawen and the dragon decide to cast a fire blast.
The blast is flying directly towards me.

> Hu Lijin raises a holy shield to protect herself, the warrior and Ashala.
The blast hits the shield and is harmlessly absorbed by it.
Ashala, Arrawen and the warrior get so impressed by your powers that they surrender to you.
The dragon gets so mad that it escapes.

> Ashala says "Please, don't hurt me Hu Lijin ! The dragon is gone ! There is no need to get mad."
You smile at the fact that you have now 5 people working for you.

Hu Lijin says out loud the name of the 5 people working for her : Ashala, Arrawen the traitor, the nameless warrior and two hidden thieves who leave the shadows.

She says : "You are free to go and work for the dragon, but be aware that we will hunt you down if you betray us."
You have now 6 people working for you.

> Ashala is suggesting to track the dragon together but before that, she retrieve her arrows.
Hu Lijin is tracking the dragon with her 5 workers.
Ashala is retrieving her arrows.
Arrawen and the warrior are guarding her to prevent any potential attack.

The thieves are scouting the perimeter.

> Ashala is leading the way into the nearest forest in order to find the dragon.
You are tracking the dragon with your workers.
Ashala is leading the way.
The forest is quite and no one is speaking a word. After 10 minutes of walking, you can hear someone approaching.

The thieves have a +5 detection skill and find out the the person approaching is a beautiful nymph.

The nymph is very friendly and introduces herself as Melia. She explains that she has been following you for a few minutes because your appearance in this forest is very unusual.

> Ashala says "Nice to meet you Melia ! We are here to track a powerful dragon, have you seen it somewhere ?"
Ashala is trying to communicate with Melia.
Melia says she hasn't seen the dragon you are tracking but directs you to a nice spot to hunt some animals.

> Hu Lijin says "we are starving, who can shoot at the animals ?"
Ashala points at Arrawen and says she is a very good archer.
Arrawen shoots an animal and provides your group with some fresh food.

> Ashala is making a safe campfire and cook the fresh meat for her companions.
The meat is delicious and you feel strength flowing in your body.
You are ready to continue your quest.
You are tracking the dragon with your workers.

> Hu Lijin says "who are the workers?"
Ashala and Arrawen are loyal workers
The nameless warrior is the toughest one to have in a fight.
Melia the nymph can be very helpful in an unexpected situation.

> Ashala is once again leading the way, walking silently while tracking the dragon. Ashala has finally find the dragon asleep in a nice glade.
Ashala is observing the sleeping dragon.
The dragon looks very peaceful while sleeping but it's very big, at least 4 times bigger than the biggest animal you have ever seen.

> Hu Lijin says "Arrawen, can you cast a fire enchantment to the arrow Ashala is firing?"
Ashala is about to shoot when suddenly a magical aura surrounds the arrow.
Arrawen looks very tired after that short spell.
It's now or never, you decide.

> Ashala is shooting the dragon with her fire poison arrow while the dragon is still asleep !
You fire the arrow, which lands right in the dragon's chest.
The dragon wakes up, but is already burning.
It's moving fast and breathing fire everywhere, in every direction.

> Hu Lijin hastily casts a reinforced holy shield to protect her workers.
The dragon's fire passes right through the holy shield.
You feel the burn and suffer several wounds to your body.
You have been killed by a dragon !

> Ashala says "Nooo ! Hu Lijin ! I'll avenge you ! "
Ashala bravely tries to avenge her fallen comrade.
She casts a lightning storm to the dragon, but the spell is reflected and both of them are struck down.

the warrior is going berserk and trie to cut the throat of the dragon with his shield (he has lost his weapon)

Ashala tries to cast a firestorm, but the spell is reflected and both of them are struck down.

the wizard is hit by a fireball and she burns down inmediately.

Everyone is burning but at least, the dragon is burning too and is dying painfully
in the flames.

The dragon is dead, everyone is dead
... Only you are left, looking at the battlefield in front of you.
This was a terrible battle...

"You" live happily ever after, without even knowing who is "you"

"You" turns his back and go safely to home
The AI doesn't know what to say. Alter, undo, or try again.

--- Et à partir d'ici, on pense que quelqu'un est venu car Ashala avait posté le lien de la partie sur le Discord ---

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)


trotter - posté le 11/08/2020 à 16:37:57 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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Dommage que ça soit si permissif...
C'est du GPT-2 ou 3 ?

HuLijin - posté le 11/08/2020 à 19:43:03 (1009 messages postés)

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Yeoun, mage-archère-louve

Je ne saurais pas te dire. C'est AI Dungeon avec sans doute Dragon derrière.


trotter - posté le 01/05/2021 à 11:33:46 (10976 messages postés) - staff

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Créer un personnage avec une courte description :

Mec en retard au boulot :

Vendeur de hot dog :

Et là c'est juste bricolé par un mec dans sa chambre...

Husk - posté le 01/05/2021 à 17:05:10 (1030 messages postés) - staff

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Très impressionnant, quand j'ai découvert Ai-dungeon, je m'attendais vraiment à ce que ce genre de truc vois le jour ensuite. Le futur du jv va être incroyable. <3 | Don't click on the potato!

trotter - posté le 11/11/2021 à 06:34:31 (10976 messages postés) - staff

❤ 1

Génération de texte en français :

Nemau - posté le 11/11/2021 à 15:12:43 (53878 messages postés) - admin -

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Il était une fois un petit lutin qui mangeait des fourmis. Un jour, son père eut un accident de travail et dût être opéré d’urgence. La mère fut tellement inquiète qu’elle eut une attaque pour se changer les idées, aussi son fils pris-il sa place. Il alla voir l’opérée et lui conta qu’il n’avait pas de temps pour jouer tout simplement parce qu’il avait trop de travail. L’homme lui répondit qu’il n’en était rien et qu’

Mwais. :pense

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03

Roi of the Suisse - posté le 11/11/2021 à 16:11:17 (30596 messages postés) - honor -

❤ 0

Chanter l'hyperchleuasme

Mouais bis :F

Es-tu une star ? | Kujira no Hara | Muma|Rope | Polaris 03 | La 7e porte

Falco - posté le 11/11/2021 à 17:03:19 (19998 messages postés) -

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Indie game Developer

J'trouve ça plutôt cool moi, il a réussis à écrire des trucs supers crédibles !

Inexistence Rebirth - Inexistence - Portfolio

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