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Messages postés par Red-Cube
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Posté dans Forum - Grimorum [Full]

Red-Cube - posté le 10/08/2018 à 20:56:53. (11 messages postés)

Lol, no no, those are just security guards in a private flat. The real cops appear after the massacre. :feu

Posté dans Forum - Grimorum [Full]

Red-Cube - posté le 08/08/2018 à 21:40:20. (11 messages postés)

Thanks man.
Yeah maybe I'll add some savepoints. People tend to forget about that these days.

Tyroine a dit:

And I died in the police station, I have to start a new game. Not a big deal but the game could use some auto-save between missions.

Which police station? :pense

Posté dans Forum - Grimorum [Full]

Red-Cube - posté le 07/08/2018 à 22:45:12. (11 messages postés)

Thanks guys. There is a lot of improvement compared to the original. It was also nice to experiment a little with light effects.

Posté dans Forum - Howdy!

Red-Cube - posté le 07/08/2018 à 22:40:47. (11 messages postés)

yop a dit:

Actually I'm not !
I just had 7 years of German lessons in secondary school (from middle school to high school) but I was very bad and didn't learn much because of a lack of practice.
It's too bad because I really like German and Germans ! But I didn't like the way it was taught :( I still managed to get 16 out of 20 at the Baccalauréat :doute5

Haha, I know what you mean. It was the same with me and the Spanish courses. I guess there isn't much appeal when you're forced to do something.

yop a dit:

Although a good friend of mine moved to Strasbourg a few years ago and when I see him we like to do some trips to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg or even all the way up to Belgium. We go to music festivals or things like that (beer festivals ahah). And each time we come across Germany I try to practice my German :rit2

However Swiss German is incomprehensible for me, I tried but :F

Sounds cool.
Lol don't mind. Even Bavarian German is incomprehensible from time to time.^^

Posté dans Forum - Howdy!

Red-Cube - posté le 07/08/2018 à 18:33:41. (11 messages postés)

NanakyTim a dit:

Guten nacht guten nicht. Wie bin franzosisch, das ist gut, wir müssen die making mach es wieder großartig ! :bocal

Auch, bienvenue :sfrog

That's a nice little poem you wrote me there. It's appreciated. :pfr

yop a dit:

Ich spresche Deutsch ein bischen aber es ist nicht Wunderbar :F

Monsieur, you aren't by chance from Elsass, are you?

Posté dans Forum - Grimorum [Full]

Red-Cube - posté le 07/08/2018 à 18:26:12. (11 messages postés)


Long ago in 2009, the golden age of RM game making (at least in Germany), the community was heavily flooded with fantasy rpgs which had their classics but mostley played the same. My intention was to create something different and especially to provoke by making my game a little less political correct. I gathered a lot of ideas from crime shows (which we have far to many in Germany) and some weird anime thus I played the "Dooms" series from MR BIG T which gave a huge part of inspiration.
Ultimately I ended up with a game called "Lemtingas Metas" which was ok for it's time but didn't age very well. After someone made a request for a LP I decided to change and tweak a few things and ended up with a complete remake of the original.

Germany, 26th of April, 1998.
The hardened detective Jonas Stark is on a hunt for a brutal killer whos ordered by a secret organization called "the Circle". Yet no matter how close his investigations get, the Circle always seems to be one step ahead and even the killer is much closer than Stark might think.
After he loses everything, he decides to solve the case on his own and stop the cirlce from fulfilling their terrible plans but,... can he?

-A dark and sinister story about a cop trying to do what's right, no matter what.
-Explore huge areas, filled with unknown dangers and some secrets.
-Six deadly weapons to fight your foes.
-The free decision to sneak past your enemies or to face them in combat.
-Visual novel segments.


Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)


Closing remarks:
Don't get confused about me talking about 2009. This is a fundamental remake of what the original once was. It took me days and countless hours but also let me experiment with new techniques and ideas.


Cheers everyone. ;)

Posté dans Forum - Howdy!

Red-Cube - posté le 05/08/2018 à 20:26:37. (11 messages postés)

I see. So I used my "free-topic-card" on this introduction thread instead of a game presentation, lol.

Well I know spammers can be a pain but if you ask me, I would change the system to one thread all 48h or something.

Posté dans Forum - Howdy!

Red-Cube - posté le 05/08/2018 à 11:13:57. (11 messages postés)

Haha, Hellbound was great. A shame the quality of the series dropped faster than the Cenobites victims.

Whenever I try to post a new topic into the games section, it tells me I can't post two topics in a row. Is there a certain period of time I have to wait?

Posté dans Forum - Howdy!

Red-Cube - posté le 05/08/2018 à 11:02:28. (11 messages postés)


Hi, welcome aboard !

And long live RM2K3, still the best RM. :lei

True words man! :sfrog

Posté dans Forum - Under the bed

Red-Cube - posté le 04/08/2018 à 23:39:29. (11 messages postés)

Looks nice though. It reminds me a litte off "The long reach" with a bit more spooky stuff.^^
Was this made with Game Maker?

Posté dans Forum - Howdy!

Red-Cube - posté le 04/08/2018 à 23:34:21. (11 messages postés)

Hey there!

I'm around the RM community for years now and even though I'm a little more familiar to the German and English parts of the scene I would like to introduce myself none the less.

Since I translated some of my stuff into english I'm all to happy to present it to the rest of the world. So I hope you find some amusement in it.

My favorite engines are the RM2k3 and Game Maker (even though it gives me headaches frequently) :banane

Cheers everyone!

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